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 Detail from "The Table of the Seven Deadly Sins" by Hieronymous or H. van Aeken Bosch or El Bosco (1450-1516) - El Prado Museum, Madrid. Spain.

NOTE: One of the earliest known works by Bosch. This work belonged to King Philip II who kept it in his room in the Escorial. The central figure (not shown) is of Christ surrounded by seven scenes depicting the seven deadly sins:
GLUTTONY (above) or gula, politely referred to as "an eating disorder" to avoid the tinge of sin and its relationship to a glossy tongue or glossa, as referred to in medical glossaries;
The ANGER scene stresses violence and jealousy;
PRIDE is promoted by the Devil holding a mirror;
LUST is shown as two pairs of lovers in a tent;
SLOTH is shown as a sleeping man;
AVARICE is a judge accepting a bribe;
and ENVY is depicted as bones for dogs.

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